Yoga Instructors

Jo Ann Firestone

Silver Yogis - Yoga for Healthy Ageing. Beginners Class for Adults 50+

Balance Strength Flexibility

Monday| 11:00 am to 12:00 pm - Classes running indefinitely.
Wednesday | 5:15pm - 6:15pm - Classes running indefinitely.

You don't have to be a twenty-something in stretched lycra to benefit from yoga. Increasing numbers of middle aged people are discovering the benefits of the ancient practice.

These benefits are being increasingly proven by science – and arguably, those who stand to gain the most from yoga's advantages are the over-fifties.

The pose or asana element of a yoga practice focuses on strength, flexibility and balance, all three of which are important for physical well being in the later stages of life. The aim of Silver Yogis is to improve our level of strength, flexibility and balance by learning how to achieve an asana with the use of props, such as a chair, a foam block or a strap. Sometimes we'll use more than one!! This type of yoga practice helps to keep our bodies safe and it allows us to move towards the traditional asana. 

Contact: Jo Ann Firestone
Phone: 027 208 0468

Rosie Holland

Iyengar Yoga - JI Level 3

Thursday | 9:30 - 11:00 am
Open to all students of Iyengar Yoga.

Contact: Rosie Holland
Phone: 0274995823

Iyengar Yoga

Thursday | 5:15pm - 6:30pm.

Iyengar Yoga is known for its focus on precision, alignment, sequencing, and the use of simple props. It is adaptable for people of any age, of any body type or with limitations of some sort. Sue is a Certified Iyengar Yoga teacher at the Junior Intermediate 2 level and her background in biological/medical science and training in therapeutic yoga brings a point-of-difference and depth to her teaching. So too does her other role in Aotearoa's yoga community ... she teaches anatomy and physiology courses for yoga teachers and teacher trainees. 

Contact: Sue Hallas
Phone: 027 688 4775

Sue Hallas