Footlevers Orthotics

 Foot Levelers Custom-made Orthotics are now available at Equilibrium!

We are excited to now be able to offer one of the best orthotics out there with the ability to use technology to scan and get an accurate measure of what would be the best for your feet. With Peter Hillier merging his practice with Equilibrium he has also brought his Foot Levelers foot scanner to our office and his vast experience with this technology.

Peter has been associated with Foot Levelers since 2005 and is presently training the rest of the team of chiropractors at Equilibrium on the protocol to use this scanner effectively to be able to prescribe the correct orthotic for you. 

Only Foot Levelers custom orthotics support all 3 arches of the foot, medial transverse and lateral, which make up the plantar vault.  Foot Levelers custom orthotics are individually designed for your feet – helping achieve a balanced foundation and stabilized pelvis. They are handmade for your unique feet based on 3D scans, and your chiropractor’s exam.

So who might need orthotics for their feet?  People whose feet need support - those who have lost (or never developed) the ligamentous support of one or more of the three arches of their feet.  That also includes children – research indicates that if a child’s arches have not developed by the time they are 7 years old, then their arches are not likely to develop after that age.

How do we determine whose feet might need support?  Your symptoms will be a guide, and not just those of your feet – poor posture from poor foot function can cause ankle, knee, hip, pelvic, lower back and neck problems.  We often consider those patients whose spinal adjustments do not stabilse after time. 

Answer these questions to see if you are a candidate: 

Do you stand or walk on hard surfaces for more than 4 hours daily?

Do you participate regularly in any weight-bearing physical sport such as running, basketball, squash, tennis, golf, bowling, etc.?

Are you age 40 or over?

Have you had a prior injury to your ankles, knees, hips, back, or neck?

Do your shoes wear unevenly?

Do you have joint pain while standing, walking, or running?

Is one of your legs shorter than the other?

Do you have knock-knees or bow legs?

Do your feet “toe out” when you’re walking?

The more yes responses you get, the more likely you are to benefit from Foot Levelers orthotics.  If that is the case, consider booking a special assessment visit here at Equilibrium.

This visit will involve a combination of postural tests and muscle tests. Based on the results from those, we may then scan your feet in a standing (weight-bearing) posture.  The major advantage of the scan is its ability to assess the transverse and lateral arches of the foot.  

If this assessment indicates that orthotics are recommended, and if you are keen to go ahead, we can send the scan to Foot Levelers.  Their computer algorithms will analyse the scan, and together with the information we supply about your body type and symptoms, this will enable them to manufacture a pair of orthotics custom-made to your requirements.  We usually receive the orthotics in our office in about 2 to 3 weeks.